A question about display properties


> I think this is a great idea. The only problem I have with
> the proposed solution is the Mathematica-esque "->"
> notation to indicate values of things. I'm sorry, but I think
> this is suboptimal. I don't see why "=" isn't appropriate here. 
> Maxima already uses = in a very similar context
> (namely the output of display and ldisplay).

I don't have a special interest in "->", and the equal symbol is good to
me too.

> About the code you posted,
> (1) dimension-function wants to be dim-$matrix
> (2) each row wants to be ((mlist) <whatever>) instead of just
> <whatever>
> (3) ((mlist) title) wants to be ((mlist ,title)

I understand points (2) and (3), but I have to read more carefully
displa.lisp to understand point (1).

> With these changes I get:
>       [                 Mean Test                 ]
>       [                                           ]
>       [ Method -> Exact t-test. Unknown variance. ]
> (%o2) [                                           ]
>       [    Confidence interval -> [991, 1004]     ]
>       [                                           ]
>       [         Confidence level -> 0.95          ]

Fine. Thanks for your clarifications, Robert.

Mario Rodriguez Riotorto