Hi Mario,
I think this is a great idea. The only problem I have with
the proposed solution is the Mathematica-esque "->"
notation to indicate values of things. I'm sorry, but I think
this is suboptimal. I don't see why "=" isn't appropriate here.
Maxima already uses = in a very similar context
(namely the output of display and ldisplay).
About the code you posted,
(1) dimension-function wants to be dim-$matrix
(2) each row wants to be ((mlist) <whatever>) instead of just <whatever>
(3) ((mlist) title) wants to be ((mlist ,title)
With these changes I get:
[ Mean Test ]
[ ]
[ Method -> Exact t-test. Unknown variance. ]
(%o2) [ ]
[ Confidence interval -> [991, 1004] ]
[ ]
[ Confidence level -> 0.95 ]
Thanks a lot for working on this problem, & hope this helps.
All the best,
PS. Here is the modified code:
(displa-def $inference_result dimension-inference)
(defun dimension-inference (form result)
(let ( (title (cadr form))
(output1 (rest (nth 2 (caddr form))))
(output2 (rest (nth 4 (caddr form))))
(output3 (rest (nth 3 (caddr form)))))
`(($matrix simp)
((mlist simp) ,title)
((mlist) ((marrow simp) ,(car output1) ,(cadr output1)))
((mlist) ((marrow simp) ,(car output2) ,(cadr output2)))
((mlist) ((marrow simp) ,(car output3) ,(cadr output3)) ))
result) ))