Re: license

Hi to everybody,
> Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer.

Me neither.

> > Is Springer allowed to put unmodified versions of Maxima
> > and/or SARAG in the CD containing the book even if
> > they migh want to sell the CD with or without the paper book?
> So far as I can tell from reading the GPL, yes,
> they can put GPL software on a CD and sell the CD.

Well, they should make sure to include the complete source as well, the
other options they have are somewhat obnoxious (for them as well es their

> > I think I still have the right to give them the permission
> > to put SARAG in the CD as long as this SARAG also remains GPL.
> By releasing SARAG under GPL, you have already
> given them permission to distribute SARAG under
> the terms of GPL. You don't need to give permission again.

You might give them extra permission to distribute without source, if
this is an issue. But you need to be the sole copyright owner to do
that (or get the consent of all other copyright owners).

> > I think I still own the copyright of any SARAG version
> > I create myself and I could even give them more rights
> > but I want to avoid that.
> You should probably try to clarify with Springer whether
> they expect that you signed over the copyright to SARAG
> as well as the text of the book. If they think you did
> and you think you did not, you might want to consult
> a lawyer.
> If Springer now holds the copyright to SARAG,
> they can release it under any terms they want.
> I don't think a copyright assignment can retroactively
> affect already-released versions of SARAG, but it
> certainly can affect future releases.

I don't think so: The GPL is written in a way that it is
unrevokeable. This shouldn't be harmed by a copyright transfer,
otherwise it would be a severe bug in the license.

Since any version ever released under the GPL remains under the
GPL, every of these versions can be used by anybody in their own
work / further development. "anybody" surely includes the original
author (unless he has signed some contract with extra restrictions,
but this is not an issue of licensing).
