On 6/15/06, Harald Geyer <Harald.Geyer at gmx.at> wrote:
> Hi to everybody,
> > Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer.
> Me neither.
> > > Is Springer allowed to put unmodified versions of Maxima
> > > and/or SARAG in the CD containing the book even if
> > > they migh want to sell the CD with or without the paper book?
> >
> > So far as I can tell from reading the GPL, yes,
> > they can put GPL software on a CD and sell the CD.
Correct. You must include the source code, and a copy of the GPL
license (this is required by the license). If you don't include the
source code, you must inform where to download it, IIRC.
> > I don't think a copyright assignment can retroactively
> > affect already-released versions of SARAG, but it
> > certainly can affect future releases.
> I don't think so: The GPL is written in a way that it is
> unrevokeable. This shouldn't be harmed by a copyright transfer,
> otherwise it would be a severe bug in the license.
This is incorrect. Although there's nothing they can do about code
already released under the GPL, as a copyright holder, they can do
what they want regarding future releases. This is the reason so many
so-called "free software business models" actually dual-license their
product (under the GPL and a proprietary license). This is a GPL
loophole, if you will.
The OP might want to read:
Henry Lenzi