factorials and binomials simplification - nusum less verbose
Subject: factorials and binomials simplification - nusum less verbose
From: giovanni gherdovich
Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2006 18:06:52 +0200 (CEST)
I would like to simplify expression involving binomial coefficients and factorials.
binomial(n+1,k) / binomial(n,k) -------> (n+1) / (n+1-k)
(n+1)! / n! --------> n+1
How can I tell the Maxima Simplifier to do that?
I'm using Maxima within the theorem prover Hol Light, through an interface written by John Harrison.
There is a Maxima command that is particularly useful for me, nusum, that makes hypergeometric sequences telescopic (if it's possible).
In order to parse its output from inside Hol, I need to make this command less verbose. Do you know how can I do?
(%i1) display2d:false;
(%o1) false
(%i2) a(k):=1/2^(n+1) * binomial(n,k) * (2*k-n-1) / (n+1-k);
(%o2) a(k):=1/2^(n+1)*binomial(n,k)*(2*k-n-1)/(n+1-k)
(%i3) nusum(a(k), k, 0, k);
Dependent equations eliminated: (1)
(%o3) -(k+1)*binomial(n,k+1)/(2*(n-k)*2^n)
I'd like to avoid the string "Dependent equations eliminated: (1)".
Thank you.
Giovanni Gherdovich