questions for developers

>>>>> "sen1" == sen1  <sen1 at> writes:

    sen1> OK,
    sen1>   Who does the graphing and plotting development?

I have done some work on plotting, because I wanted to at the time.  I
don't have any desire for that right now. :-)

    sen1> On the code analyzer, the wish list is the following.

    sen1> Suppose I have an old C program with, say 20 pages of code, and
    sen1> several subroutines.

    sen1> I would like to build some sort of flow chart which indicates all
    sen1> assignments of variables, calls to the subroutines, execution of
    sen1> loops, etc.

cflow and cxref can do some of this, for some value of "chart".

    sen1> I also see some analyzers to find security and memory leaks.

I know there are some things out there for memory leaks, but I can't
recall their names.
