Subject: Maxima and Lisp, problem in loading library
From: Moyard John
Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2006 18:43:52 +0200
I use the lisp file 'init.lsp' to load a library named 'libfisrt.o'.
My problem is that when I run maxima, I obtain the error message:
Error: Caught fatal error [memory may be damaged]
Error signalled by LOADFILE.
Broken at SYSTEM::BREAK-LEVEL. Type :H for Help.
After that, I want to know more using backtrace ':b'
Backtrace: funcall > system:top-level > cond > meval > meval1 > meval* >
meval > meval1 > meval > meval1 > mevaln > meval > meval1 > map1 >
mmapcar > funcer > mapply > load-and-tell > loadfile > load >
system:universal-error-handler > SYSTEM::BREAK-LEVEL
I multiply bind stack size using in my lisp file:
(setq si::*multiply-stacks* 20)
But it doesn't work too...
I use and need to use Maxima 5.2 (can't use another one...) compiled on
Linux 32 bits platform. The library 'libfirst.o' is generated on Linux
32bits platform too, and can't be recompiled. I only have bniary, no
And my execution takes place on Linux 64 bits.
Does anyone have a way to understand the problem? Or better, does anyone
has a solution...?
Please help me!!!! Thanks