Maxima and Lisp, problem in loading library

On 8/25/06, Moyard John <john.moyard at> wrote:

> I use and need to use Maxima 5.2 (can't use another one...)
> compiled on Linux 32 bits platform. The library 'libfirst.o' is
> generated on Linux 32bits platform too, and can't be recompiled.
> I only have bniary, no source!

What is libfirst ? Why must you use Maxima 5.2 ?

What is your larger goal here?

It seems unlikely that we'll be able to resolve the problem
with loading libfirst. However, if you tell us what you want
to accomplish here, we might be able to help you find
a way which doesn't involve libfirst and/or Maxima 5.2.

Sorry I can't be more helpful,

Robert Dodier