number printing problems in 5.9.3 xmaxima on windows/GCL
Subject: number printing problems in 5.9.3 xmaxima on windows/GCL
From: Camm Maguire
Date: 28 Aug 2006 11:42:37 -0400
Greetings! I think you can
(setq si::*print-nans* t)
Please let me know if this does not work. As you mention, the cl spec
does not appear to allow this setting by default.
Does this close another bug report?
Take care,
"Robert Dodier" <robert.dodier at> writes:
> On 8/26/06, Richard Fateman <fateman at> wrote:
> > %i3) 1.797693134862315d+308;
> > (%o3) 1.7976931348623149E+308
> > (%i4) %*2;
> >
> > Maxima encountered a Lisp error:
> >
> > Error in EVAL [or a callee]: Can't print a non-number.
> That's a bug in GCL -- it computed floating point infinity
> but then it didn't know how to print it. I have reported this
> behavior to the GCL bug tracker.
> CL is uncomfortable with floating point special values.
> That's unfortunate.
> CL implementations vary as to how carefully special
> values are handled.
> CMUCL & SBCL default to disallowing special values but
> there is a way to set a feature bit to allow them, and then
> the values are handled correctly. Clisp simply banishes
> special values. GCL doesn't have a consistent policy --
> computations can yield special values but then it
> complains when displaying them.
> What does Maxima + ACL show for 1.797693134862315d+308 * 2 ?
> Robert
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