Xmaxima ready for RC4

Andrej Vodopivec writes:
>> > 2. Examples are distorted since they are
>> > rendered in proportional font.
>> This is still problem.
> The help viewer uses Internet Explorer to display html. The files I
> compiled are displayed identically in Internet Explorer and help
> viewer. I checked a couple of examples and they were OK. Which
> examples are distorted? Probably a problem with tabulators in texi
> files?

No it is not about tabs.  Tabs are expanded in all Maxima texinfo
files (we have simple checker for unexpanded tabs).  All examples
on my Windows XP machines are displayed by IE 6.0 in
proportional font "Times New Roman" instead of desired Courier.
IE 5.5 on Windows Me uses some monospaced "OCR A Expanded"
font with funny looking glyphs, very hard to read.
Notice that all other browsers - Firefox and Opera on Windows,
Firefox, Seamonkey, Opera, konqueror on Linux display examples
in right Courier or Courier-like font.

I investigated the issue a bit further and it boils down
to CSS.  Font in examples is governed by CSS instruction

font-family: monospace

It seems that IE can't interpret this "monospace" properly
and picks up some more or less random font.  Result may be
different on different machines depending on installed fonts.

I propose to replace the above instruction by

font-family: monospace, "Courier New", Courier

It works on Windows XP but I have to check on other
systems.  As far as I understand it should be OK.

      Vadim V. Zhytnikov

       <vvzhy at mail.ru>
      <vvzhy at netorn.ru>