RE : solve(a + x - sqrt(x) ,x)

It might be useful to have a function that converts
an algebraic equation into a polynomial equation, where
the solution set to the algebraic equation is a *subset* of
the solution set to the polynomial equation. Here is my first
attempt at such a function---I haven't tested it all that
much, so I'm sure it has bugs and weaknesses. Maybe somebody
can test it, extend it, fix it, rewrite it from scratch, 
or ... I think code like is sometimes more naturally
expressed in Maxima, but I wrote it in Common Lisp.

(%i1) load("topoly.lisp")$
(%i2) eq : a + x - sqrt(x)$
(%i3) topoly(%);
(%o3) x^2+2*a*x-x+a^2=0
(%i4) solve(%,x);
(%o4) [x=-(2*a+sqrt(1-4*a)-1)/2,x=(-2*a+sqrt(1-4*a)+1)/2]

(%i5) eq : abs(1-abs(7-abs(x-8)))$
(%i6) topoly(%);
(%o6) (x-16)*(x-14)*(x-2)*x=0
(%i7) sol : solve(%,x);
(%o7) [x=0,x=2,x=14,x=16]
(%i8) makelist(subst(si,eq),si,sol);
(%o8) [0,0,0,0]

(%i9) eq : x = x^(1/3)$
(%i10) topoly(%);
(%o10) (x-1)*x*(x+1)=0

(%i11) eq : sqrt(x) + sqrt(x-5) = sqrt(7) + sqrt(2)$
(%i12) topoly(%);
(%o12) x-7=0

(%i37) eq : sqrt(x) + sqrt(x-1)/5 = 10$
(%i38) topoly(%);
(%o38) 576*x^2-129952*x+6255001=0
(%i39) sol : solve(%,x);
(%o39) [x=-(125*sqrt(619)-8122)/72,x=(125*sqrt(619)+8122)/72]
(%i40) makelist(subst(si,eq),si, sol)$
(%i41) float(%);
(%o41) [10.0=10.0,14.97995176820824=10.0]

Looks like there is one solution (unless the two square
roots in the equation are allowed to have different branches,
I suppose).


We could have topoly(sqrt(5) - x) --> sqrt(5) - x, but it's
more fun to have it evaluate to x^2 - 25. Proof:

(%i1) eq : sum(sqrt(k),k,1,5)-x;
(%o1) -x+sqrt(5)+sqrt(3)+sqrt(2)+3
(%i2) p : topoly(eq);
(%o2) x^8-24*x^7+212*x^6-792*x^5+622*x^4+3768*x^3-10140*x^2+8568*x-2151=0
(%i3) sol : solve(p,x)$
(%i4) float([eq, last(sol)]);
(%o4) [8.382332347441762-1.0*x,x=8.382332347441764]
(%i5) last(sol);

Tex this and paste it on your wall -- that's the best use I know for this

---- start topoly.lisp---------------------

(defun suppress-multiple-zeros (q)
  (let ((acc 1) ($factorflag nil))
    (setq q ($factor q))
    (setq q (if (mtimesp q) (margs q) (list q)))
    (dolist (qi q acc)
      (setq acc (mul acc (cond ((mnump qi) (if (eq t (meqp qi 0)) 0 1))
                                                        ((mexptp qi) (nth 
1 qi))
                                                        (t qi)))))))

(defun $topoly (p)
  (let ((subs) (nv `((mlist)))) ;; new variables
    (setq p (meqhk p))
    (setq p (to-polynomial p nil))
    (setq subs (second p))
    (setq p (first p))
    (dolist (sk subs)
      (setq nv ($append nv ($listofvars ($lhs sk)))))
    (setq p (if (null subs) p ($first (mfuncall '$eliminate `((mlist) ,p 
, at subs) nv))))
    `((mequal) ,(suppress-multiple-zeros p) 0)))
(defun to-polynomial (p subs)
  (cond (($mapatom p) (list p subs))
                 ((mexptp p)
                  (let ((n (nth 2 p)) (b (nth 1 p)) (nv)(l))
                    (cond ((integerp n) (list p subs))
                                  (($ratnump n)
                                   (setq b (to-polynomial b nil))
                                   (setq subs (append (second b) subs))
                                   (setq b (first b))
                                   (setq nv (gensym))
                                   (setq subs (cons `((mequal) ,(power nv 
($denom n)) ,(power b ($num n))) subs))
                                   (list nv subs))
                                  (t (merror "Nonalgebraic argument given 
to 'topoly'")))))

                 ((op-equalp p 'mabs)
                  (setq b (to-polynomial (first (margs p)) nil))
                  (setq subs (append (second b) subs))
                  (setq b (first b))
                  (setq nv (gensym))
                  (list nv (cons `((mequal) ,(power nv 2) ,(power b 2)) 

                 ((mtimesp p)
                  (let ((z 1) (acc nil))
                    (setq p (mapcar #'(lambda (s) (to-polynomial s nil)) 
(margs p)))
                    (dolist (pk p)
                      (setq z (mul z (first pk)))
                      (setq acc (append acc (second pk))))
                    (list z acc)))
                  ((mplusp p)
                   (let ((z 0) (acc nil))
                     (setq p (mapcar #'(lambda (s) (to-polynomial s nil)) 
(margs p)))
                     (dolist (pk p)
                       (setq z (add z (first pk)))
                       (setq acc (append acc (second pk))))
                     (list z acc)))

                  (t (merror "Nonalgebraic argument given to 'topoly'"))))
------ end of topoly.lisp--------------------
