Subject: Vector Identities, Redux and more questions
From: Neilen Marais
Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2006 17:13:36 +0200
Thanks to all who answered on the previous "Applying Vector Identities"
threads. A summary of the solution is to put the following in a file
"more_vect.mac" somewhere on your maxima load path:
matchdeclare (xx, scalar_not1p, yy, nonscalarp, [aa, bb], all)$
scalar_not1p (e) := e # 1 and scalarp (e)$
simp : false$
tellsimpafter (curl (xx*yy), xx*(curl yy) - yy~(grad xx))$
tellsimpafter ((xx * yy) ~ aa, xx * (yy ~ aa))$
tellsimpafter (aa ~ (xx * yy), xx * (aa ~ yy))$
simp : true$
declare (["grad", "laplacian"], nonscalar)$
And to use:
(%i116) load("more_vect");
yy*xx partitions `product'
yy*xx partitions `product'
yy*xx partitions `product'
(%o116) /home/brick/akademie/NewCode/working/MaximaTests/more_vect.mac
(%i117) declare ([s,t], scalar);
(%o117) done
(%i118) curl(s*grad(t) - t*grad(s));
(%o118) s*curl(grad(t))-curl(grad(s))*t+grad(s)~grad(t)-(-grad(s))~grad(t)
(%i119) ev(%);
(%o119) 2*grad(s)~grad(t)
Now my questions:
1) Wouldn't it be a good idea to include these definitions in the standard
vect package?
2) How do I get it to work with symbols using subscripts. E.g. this works:
(%i121) declare([lam1, lam2], scalar);
(%o121) done
(%i122) curl(lam1*grad(lam2)-lam2*grad(lam1));
(%o122) lam1*curl(grad(lam2))-curl(grad(lam1))*lam2+grad(lam1)~grad(lam2)-(-grad(lam1))~grad(lam2)
(%i123) ev(%);
(%o123) 2*grad(lam1)~grad(lam2)
This doesn't:
(%i124) declare([lam[1], lam[2]], scalar);
Improper argument to declare:lam[1] -- an error. Quitting.
To debug this try debugmode(true);
Am I being silly wanting this to work? I tend to work with arrays rather than
bunches of "standalone" variables so I'd like the above to work...
you know its kind of tragic
we live in the new world
but we've lost the magic
-- Battery 9 (