Assistance with url parsing bug in xmaxima

On Wed, 2006-09-20 at 15:14 +1200, Robert Willam Grieve wrote:

> He recommended that I look at the URL

> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> couldn't 
> open "/usr/share/maxima/5.9.3/xmaxima/  http:/": 
> no such file or directory

Ouch! now I remember a couple of my students complaining about the same
error in Windows a few months ago. I did not pay enough attention at the
time. It definitely seems to be a bug (it works OK in Linux). I will
investigate what's going on. In the mean time, to be able to see the
file, you can open the above URL in a regular browser and save its
source code on your disk. Then try to open it in Xmaxima with a
URL similar to the one that appears initially; something such as:

> Jamie, I'm sorry for moving this to another thread. Sorry to be a
> trouble. But still, just though this should be verified.
No problem, you did the right thing starting a new thread. And you
are not giving us any trouble; on the contrary, your messages have
been very valuable in helping us find an important bug.
