wxMaxima problem, was: Maxima 5.10.0 release -- source code tar.gz

On 9/21/06, Vadim V. Zhytnikov <vvzhy at mail.ru> wrote:

> I have uploaded Windows installer maxima-5.10.0.exe to SF.

Vadim, thanks a lot for creating the installer.

I find that Xmaxima works without problems.
However when I launch wxMaxima, it appears to be unsuccessfully
attempting to contact the Maxima back end. When I enter some
expression, I get an error message like "Maxima not running" or something.
I looked at the Windows firewall exceptions list, and wxmaxima-5.10.0.exe
(name approximate) is on the list. Has anyone else tried to run wxMaxima?
How did it turn out?
