It seems to me that a brief synopsis on common lisp functions on (at least)
integers and floats would be useful, since these questions come up on a
regular basis.
There could be several rounds -- round to nearest even, round to/away
from 0.
They also work for common lisp rationals, but Maxima doesn't use CL
ratio type,
a relic of maclisp.
As for bigfloat roundings, I think there are function in the float.lisp
file that
are called bfround and bftrunc.
Barton Willis wrote:
>The functions ?round and ?truncate should be removed from the Maxima user
>They are just Common Lisp functions, so they do not work for anything
>except integers and
>double floats. A fun project would be to define functions round and
>maxima-bounces at wrote on 10/02/2006 01:28:53 PM:
>>in the manual I found documented the Lisp functions ?round and ?
>>truncate (Floating.texi).
>>Does this make sense? These functions can't work with Bigfloats.
>>We have the Maxima functions floor, fix (entier) and ceiling.
>>Wouldn't it be better to define round and truncate with the help of
>>floor and ceiling?
>>Volker van Nek
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