
On Thu, Oct 05, 2006 at 10:44:08PM -0600, josephmishawaka at gmail.com wrote:
> I downloaded TeXmacs. It took a few minutes to download but a few
> HOURS to unzip.  (Is this normal?)  Then when I clicked on
> starttexmacs.bat, a small window opened up but immediately closed in
> less than a fraction of a second.  This kept happening each time.  So
> I deleted everything, ran CleanCache, rebooted the machine, downloaded
> TeXmacs once again. Again it took a few minutes to download but a few
> hours to unzip.  The same problem once again: a small window opens up
> but immediately closes in less than a fraction of a second, too quick
> to know what the error message is.  What is happening?  Am I doing
> something wrong or is there some other problem?  I know I am
> downloading the right (windows) version.
If you haven't installed any 3rdparty compression utility (winzip, 7zip...)
and you are using the window's compressed folders functionality, this is
_normal_, windows compressed folders should be used only for very small zip
packages. Either install a 3rdparty software (I suggest 7zip that is all
free software) or use a real Operative System (i.e. Linux or *BSD).



Marco Ciampa

| Linux User  #78271 |
| FSFE fellow   #364 |