help in getting maxima compiled (from cvs) on Dapper

Greetings!  Just tried wxmaxima with the latest maxima_5.10.0-4 on my
up to date Etch system, and it works.  That is, except for gtk
warnings, and locale errors in the wxmaxima interface -- i.e. it
communicates with maxima fine.  Am checking with texmacs now.

How many other interfaces are there?  This is getting out of hand...

Take care,

"Andrej Vodopivec" <andrej.vodopivec at> writes:

> > If you would like to explain your wxmaxima issues or submit same as
> > bug reports to the BTS, I'd be happy to look at them.  I know of
> > none.
> I don't know if the problem appears on Debian, it could be a problem
> which appears only on Ubuntu. There is a problem with socket
> communication with both xmaxima and wxmaxima and it is fixed by
> recompiling maxima. There is a bugreport for Ubuntu here:
> > Will wxmaxima ever be integrated into the maxima project proper?  If
> > so, we should update the maxima Debian package accordingly.
> For now wxmaxima will be a separate project but it will be included
> with the Windows binaries. A Debian package for wxmaxima already
> exists.
> Andrej
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Camm Maguire			     			camm at
"The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens."  --  Baha'u'llah