trying to figure out if mailing list is working

It looks like the mailing list is operational again, and it appears that
messages sent last week are being delivered now, so (I guess)
none were lost. That's good, although the cause of the hiccup is
still a mystery to me.

On 10/23/06, Andrey G. Grozin <A.G.Grozin at> wrote:

> But the archive of this list at
> is not available: firefox cannot connect to the server. Some time ago, the
> archive was available, but the last archived message was about one month
> old - it seems that newer messages are not archived anywhere. A  pity.

I tried to determine why the messages are not being archived,
but I did not find any information.

An alternative is to browse the messages via Gmane at:
However the web site appears to be less than 100% reliable.
