Maxima latex output

On 10/23/06, DieMongo <diemongo at> wrote:

> (%i10) simp:false;
> (%o10) false
> (%i11) tex(13*x+14-12+x-3*x = 2*x -15 +7*x -12,"maximaout.tex");
>  (%o11) false
> (%i12) 13*x+14-12+x-3*x = 2*x -15 +7*x -12;
> (%o12) 13*x+14-12+x+(-3)*x = 2*x-15+7*x-12

Here is a quick fix.

:lisp (put '$- 100 'rbp)

After entering that, I think you'll find you get the output you were expecting.

That modifies the so-called right binding power (operator precedence)
of the minus sign. I am inclined to believe that 100 is actually a good
value here. I can go into details if someone wants to hash it out.
However, bear in mind that some Maxima input files have expressions
that are parsed differently. In particular several of the regression test
files (maxima/tests/rtest*.mac) have stuff like %e^-x*y, which
parses as exp(- (x * y)) after the above change, instead of exp(- x) * y
as they do by default.

Hope this helps,
Robert Dodier