compilation speeds

>>>>> "sen1" == sen1  <sen1 at> writes:

    sen1> Hello,
    sen1>   I recently tried to increase the speed of some of my maxima programs
    sen1>   using the "compile(all)" option.

    sen1> The resulting programs took three times as long to execute as the same
    sen1> programs which were not compiled.

    sen1>    Isn't it to be expected that the compiled code will execute faster?

I would think so, but it's hard to tell without an example.

    sen1>    Any ideas or suggestions?

Perhaps you should use timer to profile some of the (uncompiled)
functions, to see which take the most time.  (Use timer_info to get
the timing information.)  Then you might selectively compile them.  If
that makes things slower, then you can post the code for people to
look at to see why compiling made things slower.

The translator (compiler) has some known issues.  I also don't know
how well timer and timer_info actually work.
