compilation speeds

  Thanks for all the suggestions on compiling.  However, at this time,
  the code is quite involved with many subroutines, etc.  I can try to
  pull out some parts, but I would prefer another solution.

I noticed that there is a "lisp to c" converter called glicc

I tried to install it with both gcl and cmucl on fedora core 4

The attempts failed.

The package dates to 1995 so I don't know whether it is worthwhile to
pursue this much further.

Does anyone have experience with lisp to c translators?

Any recommendations?


>>>>>> "sen1" == sen1  <sen1 at> writes:
>    sen1> Hello,
>    sen1>   I recently tried to increase the speed of some of my maxima programs
>    sen1>   using the "compile(all)" option.
>    sen1> The resulting programs took three times as long to execute as the same
>    sen1> programs which were not compiled.
>    sen1>    Isn't it to be expected that the compiled code will execute faster?
> I would think so, but it's hard to tell without an example.
>    sen1>    Any ideas or suggestions?
> Perhaps you should use timer to profile some of the (uncompiled)
> functions, to see which take the most time.  (Use timer_info to get
> the timing information.)  Then you might selectively compile them.  If
> that makes things slower, then you can post the code for people to
> look at to see why compiling made things slower.
> The translator (compiler) has some known issues.  I also don't know
> how well timer and timer_info actually work.
> Ray
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