compilation speeds

>>>>> "sen1" == sen1  <sen1 at> writes:

    sen1> Hello,
    sen1>   Thanks for all the suggestions on compiling.  However, at this time,
    sen1>   the code is quite involved with many subroutines, etc.  I can try to
    sen1>   pull out some parts, but I would prefer another solution.

    sen1> I noticed that there is a "lisp to c" converter called glicc

    sen1> I tried to install it with both gcl and cmucl on fedora core 4

    sen1> The attempts failed.

    sen1> The package dates to 1995 so I don't know whether it is worthwhile to
    sen1> pursue this much further.

    sen1> Does anyone have experience with lisp to c translators?

While I have no direct experience with a Lisp to C translator, gcl is,
basically, a Lisp to C translator.  It converts your lisp code to C,
runs GCC on it and loads the result object file.

If you are using gcl (or even cmucl) already, and compiling doesn't
help, I doubt any Lisp to C translator will do much better.

Are you manipulating numbers or doing symbolic math?  If the latter, I
would expect compiling not to help much at all.  And making it three
times slower is certainly unexpected.

Sorry if this isn't helpful,
