On Wed, Nov 15, 2006 at 10:44:14AM -0600, Seb wrote:
> Hi again,
> For clarity, here's the maxima input for the equation:
> f1: 0 = (((u - t)^(x - 1) * x) / (a * exp(b * u) + u)) -
> ((u - t)^x * (a * b * exp(b * u) + 1)) / (a * exp(b * u) + u)^2
Do you need numerical results, or a symbolic solution? I think this
equation is impossible to solve symbolically using the usual
techniques, this type of equation is called an "implicit" equation
because it implicitly restricts u to certain values, but can not be
made explicit by manipulating algebraically in the sense of
u = stuff_without_u
if you are looking for numerical solutions to u given specific values
of a,b,x,t then you can use subst or ev to plug in the a,b,x,t values
and then find_root to find a numerical solution.
Daniel Lakeland
dlakelan at street-artists.org