complex equation solving

On Wed, 15 Nov 2006 16:46:40 -0800,
Daniel Lakeland <dlakelan at> wrote:


> Do you need numerical results, or a symbolic solution? I think this
> equation is impossible to solve symbolically using the usual techniques,
> this type of equation is called an "implicit" equation because it
> implicitly restricts u to certain values, but can not be made explicit
> by manipulating algebraically in the sense of

> u = stuff_without_u

> if you are looking for numerical solutions to u given specific values of
> a,b,x,t then you can use subst or ev to plug in the a,b,x,t values and
> then find_root to find a numerical solution.

Thank you Daniel.  My goal is to obtain a function that would give me u,
with given values of a, b, x, and t.  In the problem I'm working on, a and
b are constants, while t is a variable, so I would like to see how u
varies with t, for different values of x.

Another suggestion I received is to use mnewton.  Can somebody please
recommend some reading to understand what these methods do?  I think I
understand find_root does, but I don't know what mnewton does. Thanks.
