On Wed, 15 Nov 2006 16:46:40 -0800,
Daniel Lakeland <dlakelan at street-artists.org> wrote:
> if you are looking for numerical solutions to u given specific values of
> a,b,x,t then you can use subst or ev to plug in the a,b,x,t values and
> then find_root to find a numerical solution.
I found some success with your approach. This is how I proceeded:
f: G = ((u - t)^x) / (u + (a * exp(b * u)));
f1: diff(f, u);
f1 is the function I referred to previously and f is where it comes from.
I need to solve for u in f1, so trying first with some values for the
other variables:
f(u):= rhs(ev(f1, t=5, a=0.078, b=0.028, x=0.1));
In this case, I found that the function changed signs somewhere in 6 > u >
5.5, so I got a solution with:
find_root(f(u), u, 5.5, 6);
The problem is that I need to estimate u for all t between 0 and 300
(integers), holding a, b, and x constant. Additionally, I need to repeat
this procedure for all x between 0.1 and 3 (every 0.1). I was wondering
if there's some method in maxima to automate this procedure. Thanks for
your help.