complex equation solving

On 11/15/06, Seb <spluque at> wrote:

> Thank you Daniel.  My goal is to obtain a function that would give me u,
> with given values of a, b, x, and t.  In the problem I'm working on, a and
> b are constants, while t is a variable, so I would like to see how u
> varies with t, for different values of x.

Maybe you can take a look at implicit_plot -- enter load(implicit_plot)
at the input prompt, and take a look at the comments in
implicit_plot.lisp (somewhere in your installation -- sorry, implicit_plot
is not documented otherwise).

implicit_plot might be able to find the curve u(t, x) = 0 for you
(sorry, I haven't considered this in detail). Perhaps for your
purposes it is enough to have a graph. If you need more precise
numerical values, or an explicit formula, I don't have anything
to add to what other people have suggested.

Sorry I can't be more helpful,
Robert Dodier