complex equation solving

On Thu, Nov 16, 2006 at 11:32:39AM -0500, Rogers, Raymond wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Seb [mailto:spluque at] 
> > The problem is that I need to estimate u for all t between 0 and 300
> > (integers), holding a, b, and x constant.  Additionally, I 
> > need to repeat
> > this procedure for all x between 0.1 and 3 (every 0.1).  I 
> > was wondering
> > if there's some method in maxima to automate this procedure.  
> > Thanks for
> > your help.
> > 
> Seb,
> 	Considering your goal; can I suggest an alternative?
> Solving for t in terms of (u,a,b,x) and varying u ?

Yes, this is a very useful suggestion, especially if you're interested
in specific values of u. For example, where is u = 0? Then you can
scan across x and solve for t given u=0, allowing you to find the
regions of local minima or whatever.

As for the computational issues, maxima has looping constructs so you
could create an array of numbers. Are you trying to create a 3D
surface graph, or perhaps you only need to solve for some specific
subset of the values in the region x in (.1,3) and t in (0,300)?
ie. those values given by some real-world data or whatever? In any
case you'll want to look at the syntax of the "for" loop

Daniel Lakeland
dlakelan at