complex equation solving

On Thu, 16 Nov 2006 13:35:15 -0800,
Daniel Lakeland <dlakelan at> wrote:


> As for the computational issues, maxima has looping constructs so you
> could create an array of numbers. Are you trying to create a 3D surface
> graph, or perhaps you only need to solve for some specific subset of the
> values in the region x in (.1,3) and t in (0,300)?  ie. those values
> given by some real-world data or whatever?

Exactly!  I wanted to plot my real-world u vs t, and then plot several
curves on top of that showing the estimated u for a few selected x.
However, I got to Raymond's message too late, after having found function
uniroot() in GNU R, where I'm doing the rest of my work.  It wasn't hard
to create a loop (as you suggested) there that applied uniroot() to those
specific subsets.  Next time I'll try doing this all in maxima as I become
more familiar with it.

Thanks to all those who provided some input.
