configure.lisp patch

This is a bit of a noisy patch, and I apologize. The main thing I  
fixed was the handling of the maxima-directory parameter in  
CONFIGURE. While it would set the substitution, it wouldn't find any  
of the files you were trying to process unless maxima-directory was  
the same as the current directory. IE, if you didn't use the default,  
it wouldn't work.

In the process, I deleted trailing whitespace (the noise in the diff)  
and cleaned up the CONFIGURE function a little ? eliminating  
redundant variables, etc.

Let me know if any or all of this isn't acceptable. Thanks.
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Oh, and I also discovered that current (1.0 and up) versions of  
OpenMCL don't like this form in transq.lisp:

(defun gen-name ( &optional k &aux (n '#,(*array nil 'fixnum 1)))
   (store (arraycall fixnum n 0) (f1+ (arraycall fixnum n 0)))
   (and k (store (arraycall fixnum n 0) k))
   (implode (append (exploden *infile-name-key*)
		   (exploden '|-tr-gen-|)
		   (exploden (arraycall fixnum n 0)))))

They removed #, support, since it's no longer in CL and the  
implementation was nasty. I just deleted it locally, but I'm not sure  
what the right approach for continued OpenMCL support is. See http:// for  