Greg, thanks for submitting the patch. Can you remove the
cosmetic stuff and send it again? I can't see what the substantial
changes are. Also, there is potential for unintended changes biting
us later so I would rather not apply it as it stands.
> #+maclisp
> (defun gen-name ( &optional k &aux (n '#,(*array nil 'fixnum 1)))
> (store (arraycall fixnum n 0) (f1+ (arraycall fixnum n 0)))
> (and k (store (arraycall fixnum n 0) k))
> (implode (append (exploden *infile-name-key*)
> (exploden '|-tr-gen-|)
> (exploden (arraycall fixnum n 0)))))
> They removed #, support, since it's no longer in CL and the
> implementation was nasty.
After looking at src/transq.lisp, I think we can just cut out this function.
There is a different definition which is #+cl. I'll modify transq.lisp.
Thanks for your help,
Robert Dodier