configure.lisp patch

On 21 Nov 2006, at 20:20, Robert Dodier wrote:

> Greg, thanks for submitting the patch. Can you remove the
> cosmetic stuff and send it again? I can't see what the substantial
> changes are. Also, there is potential for unintended changes biting
> us later so I would rather not apply it as it stands.

Yeah, my apologies. I should have taken the extra time to separate it  
out on the first submission. In any case, here's the new cleaned up  
patch which just allows configure to be run from locations other than  
the Maxima directory.
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>> #+maclisp
>> (defun gen-name ( &optional k &aux (n '#,(*array nil 'fixnum 1)))
> After looking at src/transq.lisp, I think we can just cut out this  
> function.
> There is a different definition which is #+cl. I'll modify  
> transq.lisp.

Awesome. So, just to be clear, there is no desire to retain MacLisp  
compatibility? That definitely makes things easier when considering  
changes :)