Maxima Digest, Vol 4, Issue 58

Re: Maxima and LAPACK issues

1)  Why is this an issue - Numerical computation of Eigensystems etc is 
allready done fairly well with ARPACK etc etc. 
2)   Maxima should concentrate on Symbolic computations, equation 
manipulation and reduction, tensor forms,  etc etc  - it is, after all,  
a CAS. 
3)   If you folks really want to support numerical computations it makes 
more sense to improve interfaces to existing libs etc
       under tools such as Texmacs etc etc.  If I need to compute  
numerics then I will go first to an established library - I will not use 
       for any solid number crunching exercise - this is allmost 
cetainly what maxima is not intended for.   And since I could not  see 
       writing   Lisp solver for large systems of algebraic equations 
(due to better design of other languages in this respect)  the point of 
       numerical solvers (even for small systems) in Maxima seems rather 
pointless apart from being a nice programming exercise.
I really think that it is more useful to concentrate on getting the 
intended functionality in Maxima correct and investing effort there. 
What is currently
in CVS is not bug free and I would hate to see a very usefull tool 
stagnate because its caretakers  have extended the functionality of 
Maxima without having the resources and manpower to 
effective manage and maintain what is allready existing. Without wishing 
to be rude it is better to be a master of a small area than a very poor 
global generalist.