I uploaded a modified plot.lisp with support for gnuplot with pipes to
I have added a new plot format called gnuplot_pipes. It implements
plotting with gnuplot through pipes. It seems to work with clisp,
cmucl, sbcl and gcl on Linux. It will not work on Windows and since
support for pipes on Windows is poor I don't think it is worth trying
to make it work on Windows anyway.
I have not changed the existing gnuplot format. This should be used on
Windows and when plotting to files. The existing plot options for
gnuplot (gnuplot_preamble etc.) work also for gnuplot_pipes (except
gnuplot_term and gnuplot_out_file).
There are some new functions:
gnuplot_start() - starts the gnuplot process in background.
gnuplot_close() - closes the gnuplot process.
gnuplot_replot(cmd) - sends a command to gnuplot and refreshes the plot window.
/* there is no need to manually start gnuplot - if it is not running
it will be started automatically */
plot2d(sin(x), [x,-4,4], [plot_format, gnuplot_pipes]);
gnuplot_replot("set zeroaxis");
/* when exiting maxima gnuplot should be closed if it is running */
Let me know what you think.