Allegro Express, was RE: Why FFI or CFFI?

Allegro Express 8.0 nhas enough heap to load Maxima. That is, all the fasl
files can be loaded up into an Express, leaving plenty of room to run. There
is a somewhat bizarre problem in that it is not possible to compile some of
the source files: the result of f2cl (fortran to common lisp) translation
seems to require more resources than Express has.  However, if you exclude
those files or if you compile them on a full Allegro and then load them into
Express, then the system seems to run just fine.

Fixing this problem, which occurs only on the free version, is not viewed as
a high priority. 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: neuss at [mailto:neuss at ma-
>] On Behalf Of Nicolas Neuss
> Sent: Sunday, December 03, 2006 12:19 PM
> To: fateman at
> Cc: 'Robert Dodier'; maxima at
> Subject: Re: [Maxima] Why FFI or CFFI? was RE: Why numerics?
> "Richard Fateman" <fateman at> writes:
> > Sorry for mistaking the previous statement.  It is my impression that
> GCL is
> > the primary delivery vehicle for Maxima. Certainly it is the case for my
> > experience using it under windows.  (I am perhaps the only person who
> > occasionally runs the core Maxima under Allegro Common Lisp, or its free
> > version, Allegro 'Express'.
> I do it, too:-)  And it works well.  But I didn't know that the free
> Allegro version allowed enough heap to load Maxima...
> Nicolas