Allegro Express, was RE: Why FFI or CFFI?

>>>>> "Richard" == Richard Fateman <fateman at> writes:

    Richard> Allegro Express 8.0 nhas enough heap to load Maxima. That is, all the fasl
    Richard> files can be loaded up into an Express, leaving plenty of room to run. There
    Richard> is a somewhat bizarre problem in that it is not possible to compile some of
    Richard> the source files: the result of f2cl (fortran to common lisp) translation
    Richard> seems to require more resources than Express has.  However, if you exclude
    Richard> those files or if you compile them on a full Allegro and then load them into
    Richard> Express, then the system seems to run just fine.

I assume it fails on some of the larger files which, in typical
Fortran style, are just one huge function.   Is it possible to compile
just that one file, without loading all the rest?  And then load up
all of maxima later, as if you had used full Allegro to compile the

Just a thought.  I'm not actually suggesting this be done, except for
those who really must want to compile and use maxima using Allegro

BTW, LAPACK dgesvd is about 3500 lines of Fortran code all in one
function.  This is translated to 6000+ lines of Lisp, and takes
several minutes to compile in CMUCL.
