Raymond Toy writes:
>>>>>> "Vadim" == Vadim V Zhytnikov <vvzhy at mail.ru> writes:
> Vadim> My promise turned out to be a bit premature.
> Vadim> Autoconf provides built-in method to check for
> Vadim> some program but not for particular version
> Vadim> of the program. An I don't see a simple way to do
> Vadim> such check. Parse makeinfo --version or perl --version
> Vadim> output? But it seems to be quite unreliable
> Vadim> for this output may vary from version to version
> Vadim> substantially.
> Agreed.
> But the build_index.pl script could probably tell you the version and
> quit if perl is too old.
> And since the script also produces the index, we could, perhaps, make
> it print an error message if the index is not actually created.
> Perhaps also mentioning that makeinfo might be too old.
> Not quite as good as having configure tell us, but better than
> silently failing.
Yes. In fact good configure test for Perl version can be
implemented precisely like this. We can't rely on
perl --version or something similar instead we writes
small Perl which tells us about perl version in the
format we can understand.
Vadim V. Zhytnikov
<vvzhy at mail.ru>
<vvzhy at netorn.ru>