I just downloaded and compiled the *tar.gz version of the 5.10.99rc1
on my Fedora Core 4 system.
Below are the results of the "Run Tests" in xmaxima.
BTW, Great job. Many improvements from my point of view.
Nice pictures of the Mandelbrot set and Julia sets (to name a few things).
I did not read much of the plotting manual before, but this version is
very nice with many examples.
The test results:
%i1) build_info();
Maxima version: 5.10.99rc1
Maxima build date: 19:10 12/8/2006
host type: i686-pc-linux-gnu
lisp-implementation-type: GNU Common Lisp (GCL)
lisp-implementation-version: GCL 2.6.7
%i1) Running tests in rtestnset:
Caused an error break: rtestnset
Running tests in rtest1: 28/28 tests passed.
Running tests in rtest1a: 24/24 tests passed.
Running tests in rtest2: 57/57 tests passed.
Running tests in rtest4: 82/82 tests passed.
Running tests in rtest5: 51/51 tests passed.
Running tests in rtest6: 4/4 tests passed.
Running tests in rtest6a: 56/56 tests passed.
Running tests in rtest6b: 16/16 tests passed.
Running tests in rtest7: 41/41 tests passed.
Running tests in rtest9: 77/77 tests passed.
Running tests in rtest9a: 21/21 tests passed.
Running tests in rtest10: 38/38 tests passed.
Running tests in rtest11: 87/87 tests passed.
Running tests in rtest13: 24/24 tests passed.
Running tests in rtest13s: 18/18 tests passed.
Running tests in rtest14: 149/149 tests passed.
Running tests in rtest15: 187/187 tests passed.
Running tests in rtest16:
Caused an error break: rtest16
Running tests in rtestode: 68/68 tests passed.
Running tests in rtestode_zp: 30/30 tests passed.
Running tests in rtest3: 108/108 tests passed.
Running tests in rtest8: 50/50 tests passed.
Running tests in rtest12: 74/74 tests passed.
Running tests in rexamples: 136/136 tests passed.
Running tests in rtesthyp: 255/255 tests passed.
Running tests in rtestmt19937: 15/15 tests passed.
Running tests in rtest_allnummod: Nonorderable argument(s) in 'max' or
'min.' Returning a noun form.
Nonorderable argument(s) in 'max' or 'min.' Returning a noun form.
Nonorderable argument(s) in 'max' or 'min.' Returning a noun form.
474/474 tests passed.
Running tests in rtestconjugate: 89/89 tests passed.
Running tests in rtestsum: 248/248 tests passed.
Running tests in rtest_trig: 75/75 tests passed.
Running tests in rtest_zeta: 13/13 tests passed.
Running tests in rtest_diff_invtrig: 22/22 tests passed.
Running tests in rtest_scalarp: 19/19 tests passed.
Running tests in rtest_everysome: 84/84 tests passed.
Running tests in rtestint: 112/112 tests passed.
Running tests in rtestifactor: 24/24 tests passed.
Running tests in rtest_equal:
Caused an error break: rtest_equal
Error summary:
Error found in rtestnset, problem:
(error break)
Error found in rtest16, problem:
(error break)
Error found in rtest_equal, problem:
(error break)
real time : 21.330 secs
run-gbc time : 15.550 secs
child run time : 0.890 secs
gbc time : 3.110 secs
| Sheldon E. Newhouse | e-mail: sen1 at math.msu.edu |
| Mathematics Department | |
| Michigan State University | telephone: 517-355-9684 |
| E. Lansing, MI 48824-1027 USA | FAX: 517-432-1562 |