Another name for maxima

On 12/16/06, miguel lopez <miguel39123 at> wrote:

>    I was thinking about LispMath, CommonMath, YouMath, ...

Hmm, CommonMath is a pretty good summary of the project, l like that.
(It's just an accident that the Lisp flavor is CL.)
How about Polymath? Oops, Google says someone else already
thought of that ....

>    Or perhaps EagleMath.  Don't dismiss the importance of a name.

I've noticed projects these days are named after something
to eat or drink. Beer, wine, chocolate, that kind of stuff.

How about Sugar or SugarMath? Googling for the latter brings
up "Did you mean Sagarmatha" (a.k.a. Mt Everest).
How about sugar in another language -- ?arkar? (Sanskrit,
for that air of ancient authority).

How about Expressive, Ephemeral, or Blossom?

Some other ideas: Maximal, Maxim, Macsyma (in the event that
the trademark expires or something) ...

How about an obscure Simpsons reference? Ha ha, only serious.

Not sure I really want to change the name of the project,
but it's fun to think about all the same.

Robert Dodier