Another name for maxima

I quite like the name "Maxima" - the only trouble is that it's hard to do a
google search with "maxima" in the name, since the term "maxima" already has
a mathematical meaning.  However, if the name was subtly changed to, say,
"mathsyma", thenn you have a word which can only be associated with this

But I agree with Robert... except for the obscure Simpsons reference - I'd
go for Futurama instead.


On 12/17/06, Robert Dodier <robert.dodier at> wrote:
> On 12/16/06, miguel lopez <miguel39123 at> wrote:
> >    I was thinking about LispMath, CommonMath, YouMath, ...
> Hmm, CommonMath is a pretty good summary of the project, l like that.
> (It's just an accident that the Lisp flavor is CL.)
> How about Polymath? Oops, Google says someone else already
> thought of that ....
> >    Or perhaps EagleMath.  Don't dismiss the importance of a name.
> I've noticed projects these days are named after something
> to eat or drink. Beer, wine, chocolate, that kind of stuff.
> How about Sugar or SugarMath? Googling for the latter brings
> up "Did you mean Sagarmatha" (a.k.a. Mt Everest).
> How about sugar in another language -- ?arkar? (Sanskrit,
> for that air of ancient authority).
> How about Expressive, Ephemeral, or Blossom?
> Some other ideas: Maximal, Maxim, Macsyma (in the event that
> the trademark expires or something) ...
> How about an obscure Simpsons reference? Ha ha, only serious.
> Not sure I really want to change the name of the project,
> but it's fun to think about all the same.
> Robert Dodier
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