El vie, 29-12-2006 a las 01:49 -0500, Phil escribi?:
> I'm attempting to solve a simple equation in terms of known variables
> and then calculate the value of the unknown by applying the known. For
> example, given a^2+b^2=c^2, a and c are the known variables with values
> of 3 and 5. It seemed like the following would do the trick:
> e1: a^2+b^2=c^2;
> apply(rhs(first(solve (e1, b))), [3, 5]);
> expecting to get 4 as an answer but instead get an error but don't yet
> know enough of maxima to troubleshoot it.
e1: a^2+b^2=c^2$
map(lambda([z],ev(z,a=3,c=5)), solve (e1, b));
Mario Rodriguez Riotorto