Subject: real time and run time functions revisited
From: Andrej Vodopivec
Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2006 11:16:26 +0100
On 12/29/06, Richard Fateman <fateman at> wrote:
> It would be nice if the built-in lisp program "time" worked, e.g.
> ?time(factor...);
> But it doesn't in wxmaxima, anyway.
time writes to *trace-output* which is not redirected to socket stream
(we should fix this) and this is why it can't be used in wxmaxima (or
xmaxima). After this is done time can be used with $with_time function
where $with_time is something like
(defmspec $with_time (expr)
(time (meval (cadr expr))))