students involved in Maxima

2007/1/16, Richard Fateman <fateman at>:
> It is easy to look at the documentation for Maple, Mathematica, or
> commercial Macsyma and find features that could be suitable student
> projects.  These projects have the following positive features.
> 1. The design has been debugged at least once.
> 2. The calculation is feasible.
> 3. The answers from Maxima can be compared to the other system.

What about putting all these good ideas in the wiki, close to the
ideas that were proposed for the Google summer of code, and with some
comment about the people that this could reach / help, the bagage
needed to program the new features ... and the accomplishment that was
realised, and the published paper for examples.

THis could help other start similar projects in their education
institutions / universities, while also prevent some duplication of
effort (but proofreading of the new features would be encouraged)

Without any specific idea, I would be in favor of any project that
could help with the fact that other people would use more / more
easily maxima, especially with respect to the proprietary CAS.

I still have some ideas:

1/ help develop some "notebook" program,

2/ help develop the links with the SAGE project (that puts together
octave, maxima and others with the help of python)

2/ help develop the plotting capabilities and easiness of maxima, in
2D and 3D through interactive gnuplot or other packages (like VTK for
3D, plplot ...)

THanks anyway for the efforts you have moving more students to use and
develop for maxima.


Nicolas Pettiaux - email: nicolas.pettiaux at