students involved in Maxima

I'll just take the liberty of copying here my wish list for Maxima (from a
posting I made late in 2005):

1) Good number theory package.  Since Maxima uses arbitrary precision
arithmetic, this should be accompanied by a good computational number
theory package: modular powers, inverses, extended euclidean
algorithm, chinese remainder theorem, factorization (using all the
best methods, up to and including the number field sieve), discrete
logarithms, modular square and nth roots, primitive roots.

2) Graph theory.  Creating graphs (weighted, unweighted, directed,
undirected), drawing graphs (this may require another plotting
package to gnuplot), modifying graphs, testing for planarity, euler
and hamiltonian paths and circuits.  Minimal spanning trees, shortest
paths, coloring and matching, flow algorithms.

3) Boolean algebra and logic.  Simplification of boolean expressions,
truth tables, satisfyability, disjuntive and conjunctive canonical
forms, checking for tautologies and contradictions.

4) Linear Algebra.  I'd like to be able to compute reduced row echelon
form, and some matrix decompositions (LU, QR, Cholesky etc).

5) User interface.  This isn't a problem for me (I switch between
maxima, xmaxima, imaxima in emacs, maxima in TeXmacs), but it could be
a problem for teaching.  One nice modern-ish interface would be nice.

Let us know how you and your students get on!


On 1/17/07, Fabrizio Caruso <caruso at> wrote:
> Hi
> In the near future I could have
> one or two computer science students
> work on a software project here
> at the University of Pisa
> (300-450 hours of work for each student).
> I could have them implement something
> in/for Maxima.
> Any suggestions?
> It should be something not too
> mathematically complicated.
>    Fabrizio
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