I just tried the Lisp-only installation method described in
INSTALL.lisp in the tar ball for version 5.11.0. In step (9), there
seems to be an error:
(9) Dump an image, and if the Lisp implementation allows one to
specify a start-up function, specify USER::RUN.
This should be CL-USER::RUN, at least for CMUCL (as it already is for
CMUCL: (CMUCL terminates after saving the image)
(extensions:save-lisp "binary-cmucl/maxima.core" :init-function 'user::run)
should be CL-USER ----------------------------------------------------'
P.S.: It seems that the question regarding the maxima directory
(PREFIX) can be eliminated in step (3) as src/maxima should be
able to use the same trick as maxima-local, `(cd \`dirname $0\`
> /dev/null 2>&1 ; pwd)`, to get the correct path at run time.
It seems that this would allow people to move around the
directories at will.
P.P.S.: One might want to (DECLARE (IGNORABLE FILE-NAME)) in the
definition of COMPILED-FILE-P in lisp-utils/defsystem.lisp in
order to get rid of some seemingly strange compiler notes on
non-CLisp implementations:
; "Return T if the FILE-NAME is a filename designator for a valid compiled.
; Signal an error when it is not a filename designator.
; Return NIL when the file does not exist, or is not readable,
; or does not contain valid compiled code." ..)
; Note: Variable FILE-NAME defined but never used.