Lisp-only install (Linux, CMUCL)

On 24 Jan 2007 23:30:57 +0100, Albert Reiner <areiner at> wrote:

> This should be CL-USER::RUN, at least for CMUCL (as it already is for
> SBCL):

OK by me.

> P.S.: It seems that the question regarding the maxima directory
>       (PREFIX) can be eliminated in step (3) as src/maxima should be
>       able to use the same trick as maxima-local, `(cd \`dirname $0\`
>       > /dev/null 2>&1 ; pwd)`, to get the correct path at run time.
>       It seems that this would allow people to move around the
>       directories at will.

Well, that seems to be a *nix-only modification -- the instructions
in INSTALL.lisp apply to Windows as well, and in fact a Lisp-only
install is probably more important for Windows because setting up
a Windows development environment is so much work.
So I recommend against this change.

> P.P.S.: One might want to (DECLARE (IGNORABLE FILE-NAME)) in the
>         definition of COMPILED-FILE-P in lisp-utils/defsystem.lisp in
>         order to get rid of some seemingly strange compiler notes on
>         non-CLisp implementations:

OK by me.

Thanks for these comments -- I hope that someone (maybe even me)
can attend to these items shortly.
