R. Dodiet said: Dan, I think you want x:[a, b, c], not x[1]:a, etc -- in the
latter form, x doesn't refer collectively to a, b, and c.
Whether that's a design flaw is a topic for a rainy day ....
I'm pretty sure that nobody has so much time to waste so to play with
list and matrices in this way. I as a boss would say about this topic:
1.- Here there is not a second opportunity.
2.- Please go to make some poems in a rany day.
From a teacher point of view:
Well, and too please take with you the author of the package for computing
vector calculus (express for curl and the like).
As a teacher with more than 20 years of experience this type of software
should be banned for students (like a donkey in a cage).
There is no space in this world for ugly mathematics, here one should say
code like this.
Are a little hard this words?
I think they are not, many people would prefer sincerity.
And for maxima language: Don't accept bad friends.
- M