list and matrices = should you be fired?

Well, this seems a bit extreme to me.

To be fired, you first need to be employed.  Who is employed on this
list to do maxima work?

AFAIK the people doing the current work on maxima are all volunteers.  They
should be commended, not scolded.

When someone starts a project, e.g. the differential form project, it
takes some time to get to a clean, good form.  People should be
encouraged to do these things. If there are suggestions for
improvement, then, by all means, put them in.  It is not productive to
shout and be critical.

I am a beginner at maxima.  The project has great potential, and I am
starting to use it in my research and teaching.  If my skin were so
thin as to listen to Miguel, then I would just go back to Mathematica,
Maple, etc. and *that* would be a great disservice to my students.

Everyone has to begin somewhere, when did you begin Miguel and what
was your original code like?

BTW, this kind of interchange has no place on this newsgroup. If you
want to continue it, I may be happy (I'll decide later) to do it in
private email.


P.S. If you meant all this as a joke, it is clear that I did not take
it that way.

  | Sheldon E. Newhouse            |    e-mail: sen1 at           |
  | Mathematics Department         |       				   |
  | Michigan State University      | telephone: 517-355-9684                |
  | E. Lansing, MI 48824-1027 USA  |       FAX: 517-432-1562                |

On Thu, 25 Jan 2007, miguel Lopez wrote:

>  R. Dodiet said: Dan, I think you want x:[a, b, c], not x[1]:a, etc -- in the
> latter form, x doesn't refer collectively to a, b, and c.
> Whether that's a design flaw is a topic for a rainy day ....
>  I'm pretty sure that nobody has so much time to waste so to play with
> list and matrices in this way.  I as a boss would say about this topic:
>   1.- Here there is not a second opportunity.
>   2.- Please go to make some poems in a rany day.
> From a teacher point of view:
> Well, and too please take with you the author of the package for computing
> vector calculus (express for curl and the like).
>  As a teacher with more than 20 years of experience this type of software
> should be banned for students (like a donkey in a cage).
>  There is no space in this world for ugly mathematics, here one should say
> code like this.
>  Are a little hard this words?
>  I think they are not, many people would prefer  sincerity.
> And for maxima language: Don't accept bad friends.
> - M
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