wgnuplot bug?


In linux the following commands work as expected.

(%i1) my_ps_preamble:
   "set terminal postscript; set output 'output.ps' ";
(%o1)          set terminal postscript; set output 'output.ps'
(%i2) ps_output: [gnuplot_preamble, my_ps_preamble];
(%o2) [gnuplot_preamble, set terminal postscript; set output
   'output.ps' ]
(%i3) plot2d(x^2,[x,0,1],ps_output);
(%i4) system("ls output.ps");
(%o4)                                  0

The file "output.ps" is created, and one can continue--using maxima,
displaying, printing, etc.

In Win_XP, Xmaxima hangs after  the command (%i3).

The culprit is "wgnuplot.exe".

If I kill the process, then I can continue as expected.

Unless this program is killed, I can't even diplay "output_ps".

Do others have this problem?  Is there a workaround?

What do people who use Win_XP use to plot with plot2d?


  | Sheldon E. Newhouse            |    e-mail: sen1 at math.msu.edu           |
  | Mathematics Department         |       				   |
  | Michigan State University      | telephone: 517-355-9684                |
  | E. Lansing, MI 48824-1027 USA  |       FAX: 517-432-1562                |