maxima-bounces at wrote on 01/29/2007 11:43:33 AM:
> I sometimes think gcl is hindering development of some parts of
> maxima. Could we use ecl instead, which, I think, is much more ansi
> compliant? I think ecl runs on all the platforms we need, including
> Windows. But I have never used ecl, so I don't know what it's really
> like.
> Ray
SBCL 1.0.2 for windows builds a Maxima that passes all the tests
in the test suite (SBCL 1.0 failed one test---maybe a atanh).
SBCL 1.0.2 for windows still carries a warning "Your Kitten of Death
Neither Xmaxima or wxMaxima work with SBCL for windows (at least for me.
I can't even run Maxima compiled with SBCL in an XEmacs terminal window.