freeof, functions and nounify

-----maxima-bounces at wrote: -----

>Given how difficult it is to explain the concepts of
>evaluation/simplification/substitution to users, I think it would
>confuse our users to get rid of noun/verb for expression-functions.
>However, I think we could eliminate noun/verb for mathematical
>functions with no consequences at all.  Does anyone disagree?

The (crazy) verbify scheme for numerical evaluation might work for
trig and log like, but not for other functions:

(%i1) apply(verbify(cos),[1]);
(%o1) 0.54030230586814
(%i2) apply(verbify(bessel_j),[1,2]);
(%o2) bessel_j(1,2)
(%i3) bessel_j(1.0,2.0);
(%o3) 0.57672480775687
